Hello there! I'm Robert Wengritzky, a photographer based on the Mornington Peninsula in Australia. My specialty lies in capturing stunning landscapes through the use of long exposure photography techniques. It was my fascination with space and our place within it that first inspired me pick up a camera to learn how to photograph the Milky Way, and I've been creating dreamy nightscapes that incorporate both the natural world and the universe ever since.

 My love for photography has grown into an art form, and I find myself drawn to capturing and manipulating landscapes to create surreal, otherworldly images that encapsulate the moods and experiences around me. From the power of the ocean to the warmth of a summer sunset, to the drama of a stormy sky, my portfolio is a testament to my adoration of the natural world.

 I strive to create images that convey a sense of movement and energy through my use of long exposure photography techniques, which immerse the viewer in the captured moment. My portfolio contains a range of serene, peaceful scenes, as well as dynamic and dramatic landscapes.

 In addition to showcasing my work, I also maintain a blog where I share tutorials on various aspects of photography technique and image processing. I remember struggling with these when I first started out, and I'm always eager to share my knowledge with others. If you're interested in learning more or have a specific topic in mind, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

 Some of my limited-edition works have been displayed in art shows throughout the Mornington Peninsula, and I am proud to be an affiliate for Sirui and Nisi Filters. As an outdoor photographer, my gear needs to withstand harsh conditions and be reliable in all scenarios, which is why I rely on my sturdy tripod and filter products to capture the images I love. If you would like to check out some of their products, using the following links will help me out greatly;



 If you're interested in pricing information, please take a look at my price information page under "About." I hope you enjoy my images as much as I've enjoyed creating them, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.